Thursday, August 6, 2009

Thoughtful Thursday

Well another Thursday is here, I am thinking about when I first accepted Jesus Christ as my Saviour. Oh what a difference he made in my life, and how he changed my list of want to's. It is amazing, after all these years I can still remember that day like it was recent, it has been 35 years, WOW..
So much has happened in those years, most to bring glory to God, but I do remember a time I quit on God, I got made at God, and refused to serve him, That has probably never happened with you, but it did me, and I am so regretful today for this time I spent away from him, it was only for a couple of years, but oh the bad testimony it give. As Christians the most important thing we have is our testimony, we need to stay faithful to our lord, and we to show others just how much God means to us by how we serve him, are we faithful to God? Do we really see him as the most important factor in our life? Others will see him as we see him, and how we show him in the way we live.
Friends please add your thoughts here, and tell us about your day of salvation, and how God has changed your life. There is nothing in this world to turn to, if I ever left his side, where would I go. I would die, I really feel that, If I did not have Christ as my constant companion I surely would shrivel up and die. Tell us your story, please, share with us, and let us here your wonderful testimony for our lord.

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