I had such a good visit with my daughter yesterday she spent the day, and it is has been a while since we really had a good visit, just her and I, I loved it.
We had another splendid evening at the Revival, WOW, we had a young man saved before the preaching even started, lots os Godly singing and testimonies, God is so good, and he sure has been meeting with us, I am having a great time, now today is the last night of it, but I sure can say it has been good.
I am tired today, and we had a really bad storm in the night, electrical storm with lots of lightening and thunder, and it rained cats and dogs, giggles, did you ever hear where that expression came from?

I know the phrase it’s raining cats and dogs is a bit outdated, but do you have any idea about its origin?
The most common one says that in olden times, homes had thatched roofs in which domestic animals such as cats and dogs would like to hide. In heavy rain, the animals would either be washed out of the thatch, or rapidly abandon it for better shelter, so it would seem to be raining cats and dogs.
It has also been suggested that at one time the streets of British towns were so poorly constructed that many cats and dogs would drown whenever there was a storm; people seeing the corpses floating by would think they had fallen from the sky, like the proverbial rains of frogs.
Having said all that, there is some evidence that suggests a direct link between heavy rain that seems to precipitate cats and dogs.
It comes from a poem by Jonathan Swift,
A Description of a City Shower:
Sweeping from butchers’ stalls, dung, guts, and blood;
Drown’d puppies, stinking sprats, all drench’d in mud,
Dead cats, and turnip-tops, come tumbling down the flood.
As Swift penned these lines in 1710, nearly 30 years before he wrote the book in which raining cats and dogs appears for the first time, it just might suggest that he was quoting an expression he himself had created.
Now was that not just the most interesting thing you ever read, lol, have a wonderful and blessed Saturday, and carry your umbrella, you never know when some cats or dogs will fly by, heehee, hugs my friends.
Hugs ♥ Blessings