This is such an awesome verse one that I have cited for many years, and yet still stand amazed just how true God's word is, most times we do not call upon the lord, we try to handle things on our own, and it never works out the way we planned, but when we call upon the lord he answers, sometimes it is with a no, other times he answers with much greater than what we ask.
I got my results of the Camera Endoscopy back, it showed nothing either, all is good, so from throat to rectum I am okay, now that is good news. But the down side is we still do not know where the bleeding is coming from, or why I am anemic. I say I will keep eating liver, and taking iron pills and get on with my life. Let the lord decide what to do and when to do it.
Pray for Chuck he is having a pain block on the 30th and if it works then he will have the nerve ablation done. Radiofrequency Ablation
Radiofrequency neurotomy (also called radiofrequency ablation or lesioning) is a minimally invasive procedure that can provide lasting relief to those suffering from facet joint pain. In fact, multiple clinical studies show that radiofrequency neurotomy significantly reduces pain severity and frequency for 1 to 2 years in the majority of patients.