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Frivolous Friday
Though I doubt if we will have much of a snack Super Bowl Sunday we will use these yummy recipes another time, will always be a hit with a gang. I know the Super Bowl is this Sunday, many wait all year for this, it is one Sunday, if I am well enough by then I will be in the house of the lord, not in front of a TV watching men pounding and bouncing off each other over a little football. LOL I like one game a year, that is the game of Florida VS Georgia, it is a good rival game, and our team is the Gators, we are Florida transplants here in Georgia so our team is forever in our heart. So any how, here are a couple quick good recipes for you to use.
Sausage Croissants
1 pounds sausage, cooked*
(any flavor desired - i.e. hot, mild, etc.)
2 cans crescent rolls
16 ounces cream cheese
Press the one can of the crescent rolls together at the seams in a jellyroll pan. Mix cooked sausage with
cream cheese and place on crescent roll dough. Put second layer of crescent rolls pressed together
on top (this is easy if placed on wax paper and pressed together at the seams and then flip it on top of the jellyroll pan). Bake as crescent roll packaging directs. Cut into small wedges with a pizza cutter.
Flourless Double-Chocolate Pecan Cookies
Makes 12
3 cups confectioners' sugar
3/4 cup Dutch-process cocoa powder (spooned and leveled)
1/2 teaspoon coarse salt
5 ounces bittersweet chocolate, chopped
1 1/2 cups chopped pecans (or other type of nut)
4 large egg whites, room temperature
Preheat oven to 325 degrees. In a large bowl, whisk together sugar, cocoa, and salt. Stir in chocolate and pecans. Add egg whites and stir just until incorporated (do not overmix).
Drop dough by 1/4 cupfuls, 3 inches apart, onto two parchment-lined rimmed baking sheets. Bake until cookie tops are dry and crackled, about 25 minutes, rotating sheets halfway through. Transfer sheets to wire racks and let cookies cool completely. (To store, keep in an airtight container, up to 3 days.) If you back on a cookie sheet, they run from the spraying of sheet, best to follow the directions, they are so good.
I received this in an email, I thought it very unique so I am sharing it with you. It also reminds me of this song, lol
Ring the bells of Heaven! There is joy today,
For a soul, returning from the wild!
See, the Father meets him out upon the way,
Welcoming His weary, wandering child.
Glory! Glory! How the angels sing:
Glory! Glory! How the loud harps ring!
’Tis the ransomed army, like a mighty sea,
Pealing forth the anthem of the free.
Ring the bells of Heaven! There is joy today,
For the wanderer now is reconciled;
Yes, a soul is rescued from his sinful way,
And is born anew a ransomed child.
Glory! Glory! How the angels sing:
Glory! Glory! How the loud harps ring!
’Tis the ransomed army, like a mighty sea,
Pealing forth the anthem of the free.
Ring the bells of Heaven! Spread the feast today!
Angels, swell the glad triumphant strain!
Tell the joyful tidings, bear it far away!
For a precious soul is born again.
Glory! Glory! How the angels sing:
Glory! Glory! How the loud harps ring!
’Tis the ransomed army, like a mighty sea,
Pealing forth the anthem of the free.
I have been taking Alka Seltzer Plus and it seems to be breaking up the conjestion in my chest, making it possible to bring up, before it was just laying heavy on my chest.
I have been sick way too long, and with the way I feel is why I have not been around the sites lately, please forgive me, pray for me, and soon as I am able I will be writing more interesting subjects, and posting some good new recipes. Hope your day is a great one.
Hello my dear blogging friends, I hope you had a wonderful weekend, and that your Sunday was a blessing, I sure missed going to church, hopefully I will be over this
soon. I have been studying the book of Revelation, and oh wow how wonderful it is.
I have come across all the names of Jesus that are in Revelation. I will give them here for you to study too,
just amazing, what all is wrapped up in one person, no wonder we love him so, he is just everything to us. Okay here is the list:
Names of Jesus in the Book of Revelation
Jesus Christ …. Revelation1:1
Faithful Witness ….. Revelation 1:5
First Begotten of the Dead ….. Revelation 1:5
Prince of the Kings of the Earth ….. Revelation 1:5
Alpha and Omega ….. Revelation 1:8-13
First and Last ….. Revelation 1:8, 11, 13
Son of Man ….. Revelation 1;13
He that liveth and was dead ….. Revelation 1:13, 18
He that holdeth the seven stars ….. Revelation 2:1
He who walketh midst the golden candlesticks ….. Revelation 2:1
He who hath the sharp sword with two edges ….. Revelation 2:12
Son of God ….. Revelation 2:18
He which searches the reins and hearts ….. Revelation 2:23
He that hath the seven Spirits of God ….. Revelation 3: 1
He that hath the seven stars ….. Revelation 3:1
He that is holy and true ….. Revelation 3:7
He that hath the key of David ….. Revelation 3:7
He that openeth and no man shutteth ….. Revelation 3:7
He that shutteth and no man openeth ….. Revelation 3:7
The Amen ….. Revelation 3:14
The faithful and true witness ….. Revelation 3:14
The beginning of the creation of God ….. Revelation 3:14
Lord ….. Revelation 4:11
Lion of the tribe of Judah ….. Revelation 5:5,9
The root of David ….. Revelation 5: 5,9
A lamb as it had been slain ….. 5: 6,7
The Lamb ….. Revelation 5: 8,9
Lord of Lords ….. Revelation 17:14
King of Kings …… Revelation 17:14
Faithful and true ….. 19:11
Rider of the white horse ….. 19:11
The Word of God ….. Revelation 19: 13-16
Christ ….. Revelation 20: 4
The Lord God of the Holy Prophets ….. Revelation 22:6
Beginning and the end ….. Revelation 22:13
The bright and morning star ….. Revelation 22: 16
I suggest you print these off for futher reference, this makes such a wonderful
Bible study ladies, for your personal study or for a group of ladies. Bless you
on this inspirational Monday, hope you have a very blessed week.