It seems that it was just Spring, now Summer is almost over,
where has this time gone? I seem to get farther and farther
away daily, I just cannot keep up any more.
Please pray for my friend Pat Miller, she is a long time friend
who has just been diagnosed with lung cancer, she had breast
cancer 3 years ago, and has been cancer free until now, this is
such a shock to us all, keep them in your prayers, wonderful, godly people., been serving the lord for so many years. May the will of God be done in their life.
We have been very busy here, and seems it is one thing right after another going on here too. Last Wednesday our water pump went out, for our well. Come to find out it was not installed right and it is now at the bottom of the well, lol a dear friend and his son come and put so much time in helping Chuck get this fixed, we bought a new pump and finally Friday evening we had water again. You know you really do not know how much water you use until it is not running freely from the tap.
We did manage though, with the help of God giving us some wisdom on how to live without running water. We got water from the creek to flush our toilets, had some bottle water to drink, and Chuck went and got a big container of water from town to use for dishes, so we did manage, but there is nothing like turning your faucet on and having water run freely, I thank God for his ways, and how he brings others into your life to help in a time of crisis, we can never praise him enough.
I had a wonderful birthday Saturday, with so many well wishes and cards and my dh took me to eat at Olive Garden, oh my it is such good food, I got some more turquoise jewelry too beautiful two strand of beads and earrings to match. It was a good day for turning 40, LOL yeah right, but most days I do feel 40, except when my RA is acting up. I recently had two shots put in my arm that I have suffered with for months now, it seems to help, and I had some therapy also, I do the exercises daily too it really helps. So that about brings you up to date with me and mine, keep us in your prayers, and I am sorry I do not get here much any more, I want to take a day where I can visit your blogs again, and make comments, I do miss this, I love blogging but time does not always permit it.
So until next time, Be loved, Be friendly, and Be blessed. ♥