We had an awesome day at church Sunday, brother Mike/Youth Director, filled the pulpit and preached a much needed message, how will young Christians ever grow and learn how to live a separated life if they do not hear it from the pulpit?? Wonder why the Christians blend in so well with the world? Ask yourself when is the last time you heard a good message on apparel or men having short hair, or no body piercings or not to destroy your body with tattoo's??? Yeah that is all part of living a separated life, being Christ like, I cannot imagine Christ with tats all over his body, or with rings in his body, friend, let us come out from among them, 2Co 6:17 Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you,:. THUS SAITH THE LORD...
Good day, the weather is as changeable as a woman, lol (*giggles*)after almost 80 it was 60 yesterday, and today about that too, we had two awesome messages yesterday, and all about the same thing, separation as a Christian, can the world tell you apart from the world? Can they look at you and see the way you are that you have something different? Good questions to ask our self, I know it really got me thinking, how some times I really need to work on my attitude, and wonder if Christ would react the way I do at times, more than likely he would not.
Today, I have a strange pain in my stomach, on the way to church yesterday I had a bad cramping in the muscle of my side/stomach area, it hurt so bad and I could not work it out, had to stop the car get out and walk around a tad, now today it is hurt in that same spot. I mean if it is not one thing it is another, this old age is not so fun, I am wondering if the Magnesium I am taking now is effecting those muscles, think?
I keep thinking on these scriptures and just cannot get it out of my head..
1Jo 3:22 And whatsoever we ask, we receive of him, because we keep his commandments, and do those things that are pleasing in his sight.
This is a promise with a condition, sometimes we forget that with some promises there are conditions, the if we keep his commandments and do things pleasing in his sight...We must be pleasing to him, or we can just forget all these promises, we cannot live the way WE want and expect God to bless us, we often wonder why things are not coming to past, well maybe we need to check our motives out, and see if it is pure and honorable in the sight of God. Just my thoughts here, and maybe now the verses will stop. ;
Be blessed sisters you are a blessing to me.