With all the bad news in the world, let us sing praises to God, for his everlasting love and devotion to his children,
we know he holds our future in his hands, and no matter how bad things look around us,
He is still God, and will take care of his own. If you are not one of his children you can be; he is just a prayer away,
simply know that Jesus is God manifested in the flesh, who left heaven to be born of virgin and to die on a old
rugged cross, that precious blood he shed on the cross made the payment for our sin debt, one we could never
pay ourself. He died that day, was buried in a borrowed tomb (for he knew he would not be in there long) then
the best part is he arose on the thrid day, and is sitting at the right hand of God once again, he will come again
for his children, we will go to meet him in the air, and forever be with him, now is a wonderful aim for your life.
Just ask him to forgive your sin, and come into your heart, let him be lord of your life.
I made that decision long ago, and it was forever settled in heaven, my name is written in the Lamb's book of life.
I do pray that your is too.