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I am so very thankful for my salvation, and for the wonderful book our lord gives to help us everyday, in all ways, for any trouble that
may come into our life. I hear folks talking about how bad America is, and it is, but we as Christians have let our Country go to the dogs, we say one woman got prayer taken out of school, no all the Christians stood by and did nothing and they took prayer out of school, then out of government, wonder when they will come for our bibles, and try and brainwash us to get rid of his word, but his word is forever, it will stand and has stood against the Devil and his group for thousands of years. Want change in your County, God tells us how, plain and simple, If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.
2 Chronicles 7:14
We have the tools, are we willing to use them, now what are you thankful for.
It is a gorgeous day here in Georgia, a tad cool but not in need of a jacket. Blue skies where you can see the handiwork of our creator indeed.
Today is one week since the last radiation treatments, so I would think it would be healing up, even bad sun burn heals in a week.
That reminds me when we first moved to Florida, we being from Michigan had no idea of the sun in Florida. We all went down to the beach and spent the day, OH ME...big mistake, us lily white yankees on a hot beach for the day meant a burned and blistered bunch for sure. That must be how his throat inside is, burned and blistered, he did eat well last night but takes a long time and chewing very fine before swallowing.
But the healing is not as quick as being sunburned, he is still very sore, and having a hard time with mucus.
I had no idea it would be so long before he started feeling better, I am told it can take up to 5 weeks, yes we both need patience, when used to being so active and not being able to go like we did is hard. But I know I stayed home today from church, it is raining and with my cold I do not need to get sick and pass it on to him. We both struggle with getting everything that comes along, and with the RU program and bus ministry it would be impossible to keep those folks home when sick. Better to just stay away until he rebuilds his immune system.
He is swallowing Aloe Gel, mixing it with grape jelly , that helps with his sore throat. His throat is not dry, praise God, it is down in his vocal area that is hurting, beside his voice box.
I do not think God keeps us from getting disease to many verses say the opposite, beware of the wiles of the devil, and it rains on the just and the unjust, we are human and anything a lost person can get so can we, God only helps us get through what we have.
So we will see when it all ends, and I really appreciate all your prayers for us, and the encouraging words you write. God bless you all.