Nothing like the month of November to remind us of all God has blessed us with, through out the year; Let us keep our minds on him, not the turkey, or the pies but what our blessed Saviour has done for us. He loved us to death, his death on that old rugged cross, he laid down his life for me, and for you. May we take a few minutes every day just to thank him.
Psalm 100:4-5 Enter into His gates with thanksgiving, and into His courts with praise. Be thankful to Him and bless His name. For the Lord is good; His mercy is everlasting, and His truth endures all generation. Blessings!
My heart just sings as I put all these verses of thanksgiving on my Face Book page, join with me and post your favorite verses of thanksgiving too, let us see how many we can get before Thanksgiving day, November is a month that we seem to focus more on being thankful, more than any other month, although we should be giving God our praise and thanks daily. So do post your verse in this post too, thank you and May God bless you and may we all be thankful for the very air we breath in.
I pray each of you have a wonderfully blessed Thanksgiving, Do not eat too much.