Making Every Day Count
Psalm 90:12 "To teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom."
This has such a magnitude of wisdom in these few words, I wonder what God meant when he said
number our days. Moses was speaking here, and I believe he was telling us to make preparations for the times to come, not to live just for today, and for things of this life, but to bank up treasures in heaven, where our rewards will be. That we may apply our hearts unto wisdom. Hummmm you know many have much knowledge, but few have true wisdom, I really think wisdom comes from God, and is given to use for his glory and to bring others into his kingdom.
So many times God sees us making plans that do not include him, going from day to day without ever making mention of our lord, we say we love the lord, but, do we always put him first, if your like me you have to answer truthfully, no, we get busy with daily routines, and things of this world, and we put God on the back burner until we need him, instead of putting him first and front, he needs to be first in all we do.
May we live in his world, looking to him for all our needs, our answers, our daily lives.
We must put God first to be blessed of him.
We had a wonderful day yesterday at our church, we had one soul saved, and two folks join in membership, it was a blessed time in God. My cup runneth over indeed.
I had a wonderful dinner with my daughter, and got many phone calls and cards and gifts, but this is all so temporal, it is great to get these things, but I must remember who give me these children, who leads these children to love their mom the way they do. All the glory and credit must go to our heavenly father, if not for him, I would be barren, I would not have a child to love, and to care for, that would grow up and be married and be a great adult loving God. Yes let us number our days, for they are few, I was young just yesterday, now today I am old, may God give me wisdom for my old age, and fill my heart each day with more love for him, for my brethren and for my children, my grand children and great grand children. I am a blessed woman, and I owe it all to Christ, he makes the difference in my life.
When I am walking close by his side, and looking to him I am a different person, than when I am one step away from him, I will get angry easy, I do not show love as I should, and quite honestly, I am miserable, I need to be close to the lord, I need for him to guide my every foot step, and to fill my heart with his love and grace. Yep you need that too.
Have a marvellous Monday, it was a great weekend, but the week continues now, let us get busy for our Saviour who give so much for us, may we do a little for him. God bless my friends, and know God is the best friend you will ever have. ♥