Well Thanksgiving day is fast approaching, it will be here and gone soon, I have put the Turkey in the bottom of my fridge, it should be good and thawed by Thursday morning.
I am making lots of good food, the Turkey, dressing, mashed taters and gravy, Sweet Potato Souffle, Green bean casserole, the girls will bring the sides and drinks and rolls, and desserts; we will feast as like kings on that day, we will get our fill for sure, then I think how many go hungry and it will make me sad, we need to pray and help those who are less blessed than we are. Say a prayer right now and ask God how you can help some one in need. I surely thank God for his blessing upon my family and me.
I do pray that you all have a wonderful day, and that you lift your eyes to heaven and thank our heavenly Father for all the blessings from the whole year. It will be hard to remember them all but if we really ponder he will bring to our remembrance.
I cannot imagine having Thanksgiving without giving thanks to our lord and creator of all things, who make all things possible and gives us so abundantly.
So have a glorious day, and know that we love you and am praying for you.
Day 22 ~ It is a Beautiful day here in Georgia, very hard to believe it is the 22 of Nov, when our weather says it is Sept.
Sunny and just a nice fall day, warm temps keep us outside and I love it. My husband when out and picked some Mustard and Collard greens earlier, I may make some green for Thanksgiving also, though most of my family do not like greens one daughter in law loves them, I may make them special for her.
I came across this verse this morning in my reading and it really is my heart. ♥
1Co 1:4 I thank my God always on your behalf, for the grace of God which is given you by Jesus Christ;