I have been reminiscing, and thinking of simpler times, I can remember living on a dirt road, (giggles well I still live on a dirt road but they are far and few between now a days). I would walk uptown, go to the drugstore and get a soda, or a malt, or just sit and wait to see a friend come in, I never thought about being abducted, or molested, such a simple time it was, now I am afraid to walk alone down my street even, we never had any trouble out here, but, one cannot be too careful, I keep my doors locked even when we are home, I always say, "I don't want any surprises" Chuck laughs and says, once they see you they would leave in a hurry, I keep a big rifle beside my back door, more for critters on 4 legs than any on 2 legs, lol. Not sure I could actually pull the trigger even if I had to.
Shooting critters and shooting a live human are sure two different things, some do not think twice before acting, but I sure would think many times, but the point being, one never can be too careful these days, back when we did not even lock our doors, the screen door would be open and never a lock on it.
It seems there is always some one prowling about wanting to steal what a man has worked so hard for, that is sad, and they have no better training than to take a mans belongings and have no respect for the other persons things. What has happened?
Well Praise God a day will come, when we will live in houses with out locks, the Lion will lay down with the lamb, and there shall be no fear of any man, for any reason. Jesus will be our leader, and he will have the whole millennium in submission, for a season. Read Isa 11 and Rev 20 these chapters really explain it well. It gives us such hope, and such promise.
I am waiting patiently for that day to come, when all things will be perfect once again, and like in the garden of Eden before the fall of man. Sin, yep that is what makes everyone fear, and that is what makes those who steal, steal, and those who kill, kill, sin, it is a ugly word, and I will be glad to be in that new kingdom where no sin will be, and we will all be just like Christ.
We need start practicing today, let us live a holy and sin free life, if we kept Christ first in all we do, and thought of nothing but him, and all he has prepared for us we could live a sin free life, he give us the way through the Holy Spirit to do that, but we do not depend on him the way we should, and most days we live a life filled with sin, (that which is not faith is sin) and filled with not trusting God for our very breath. Well I have rattled on long enough, my point, lets get back to the basics, lets look at our surroundings, and see all the beauty God has created for us to have dominion over, lets look to Christ for all our help, and let us serve him daily, wholeheartedly and with all our being. If we submit our all to him, we could see some wonderful changes in our life. God bless you my friend, and have a wonderful simple Saturday. Lots of Hug..
Good post, Barbara...
Great post Barbara. I grew up in Alpharetta before it became big. We never locked our doors and walked everywhere and played outdoors from dawn til dusk. Sad how times haves changed.
I enjoyed your post, Dear. It makes me sad that our grandchildren cannot enjoy the outdoors like we did. You are right, we do need to be careful. It is also sad that so many are trying to take God out of our country. That is the problem. God have mercy on us. Won't heaven be wonderful! Blessings and Hugs ~
Barbara, hello and thanks for visiting my mistress blog. My main blog is www.lifebetweenthebuns.blogspot.com if you care to stop by sometime.
This is a great post. Thanks. Would you believe we just got back from a big box store and I was too tired to walk around while hubby looked for some tools, so I rolled the windows down, but the seat back, and propped my feet up on the dash to rest & listen to Christian radio while I waited. Then I realized how vulnerable I had just made myself, a woman sitting alone in a car, with the keys in the ignition, windows down, purse on my lap, radio distracting me. A car with two men parked right next to me and I thought for sure I was about to be mugged. Now I am not an abnormally fearful
person. But isn't it a shame that this is the reality of the world we live in today. I LOVE what you said about someday we will live in mansions that have no need for locks on the doors! Amen! What a glorious thought. Thank you for reminding me of that this morning! Have a great day!
ps I grew up on the KJV but rarely read it now. (But nearly all scripture committed to memory is in KJV!) I would be interested if you wanted to point me to something to read that explains why you use it exclusively.
Oh, I like your little froggy. I see I have another one hanging around my front porch. He lives in a flower pot. I used to pet one with a leaf and feed it. :) But mine are brown.
Our road got paved not too long ago. I really don't miss the dust, and the traffic hasn't increased. I keep a 410 shotgun in a cabinet by the back door. We've found a couple of copperheads and that was so much less expensive than the 22 revolver w/snake shot that I had in mind. We can go several days without people stopping by, and I don't mind it at all. Except for our communication gadgets, it's not all that different from my Gramma's farm in SW Oklahoma sixty years ago. God is good and so is the life He provides.
Thank you for you kind comment on my blog today :)
I miss the simpler times as well. At least we have the memories!
That will be a wonderful day! Blessings!
Beautiful post, Barbara... In this sinful world, I am so glad that there is something so beautiful waiting for us when we die. It's not that I want to die---I do not---but I know that I have no fear of dying...
But--you are right. While we are on this earth, we do need to lead the best Christ-like lives we can--each and every single day.
Hope you have a great Father's Day.
Hi Barbara, I'm glad I found your blog, now I follow, I read your profileI too am a Christian.
I recently opened my blog, you are welcome anytime.http://dorocrochet.blogspot.com a big hug and God bless you and your beautiful family.
Yes, I agree... Amen! Thanks for stopping by and paying me a visit. I always enjoy your kind words:) Enjoy this Special day! HUGS!
My husband accepted a job transfer a year and half ago. The area he is now located has the feel of decades past. The community is small and very rural. The citizens never think of locking up thier homes or vehicles. In the summertime one will see children playing and riding bikes all over town - no one worries about abductions.
We hope to join my husband by the end of this year (still house hunting and trying to sell our current house) but after living in a large crime riddled city for decades, I often doubt if I'll ever be able to be as trusting as the citizens of our new community.
Good post ...
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