Thursday, August 12, 2010


Well praise God he has allowed my blessed husband to see another birthday, he is 69 today, and his only request was a Sausage swirl, now is that sweet or what. I did get him a Marine Battery a few weeks back for his birthday, so he did get something else he really wanted. But today I got up early and made this Sausage Swirl, I will show you, and give you the instructions later in this post, it is so good, and his favorite now, a friend give one to us, and ever since he loves them, making it for him for his birthday was such a blessing for me.

 That is why I am later in posting today too.
So Here is the photo and recipe for the wonderful Breakfast Sausage Swirl.

Chuck likes Eggs on top of his, I eat mine like a Cinnamon roll.

Now the Recipe for Sausage Swirls


2 C. all purpose flour
1 t sugar
4 T baking powder
1/2 salt
1/2 cup shortening
2/3 milk
1 egg
1 pound roll of sausage meat


Sift flour and dry ingredients into bowl.
Cut in shortening until mixtures resembles coarse crumbs.
pour milk and egg in mix, dough will be very moist, roll out on floured board and knead until texture is smooth and okay to roll out.
Roll out into a rectangle, about 1/2 inch thick.
Pat out the sausage meat onto dough. Roll up like a cinnamon roll. Wrap in plastic wrap and refrigerate over night.
Now you do not have to let it set over night, if you are not rushed you can make it in the morning, that is what I did.

The next morning preheat oven to 350 and cut swirls as you would a cinnamon roll. Place on ungreased baking sheet. Bake about 40 minutes or until golden brown.

I hope you enjoy this, and do make it for your family they will love it, promise.. My honey sure enjoyed his. Happy Birthday my beloved husband..

Song of Songs 2:3-5 "As the apple tree among the trees of the wood, so is my beloved among the sons. I sat down under his shadow with great delight, and his fruit was sweet to my taste."
"He brought me to the banqueting house, and his banner over me was love."
"Stay me with flagons, comfort me with apples: for I am sick of love."

Oh my  I do love the Song of songs it is filled with such sweet and heart touching scripture. Love it, and I do love my beloved.

Hugs ♥ Blessings


Anonymous said...

I think my husband would really love this, thank you for posting!

I hope your husband has a wonderful birthday :-)

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday to your husband. Best wishes to him for a wonderful day. By the looks of the sausage swirl his birthday got off to a great start.

Kim B said...

Happy Birthday to your husband!
What a great recipe. I will have to try that I think my husband would love that.
Thanks for sharing.
Have a happy day.

The Red Brick Farmhouse said...


Barbara....this looks DEVINE! I can't wait to try these!


Mary Lou said...

I'm going to make that the next time our friends come. She always makes an egg casserole and I've looked for something to show her up! Maybe this will do it?
Thanks for commenting on my post today. I'm glad we made a connection.
God Bless

Mary Lou said...

I just saw that you became a follower. Thank you so much..I hope I can keep your interest.

Rocky Mountain Homemaker said...

That sausage swirl recipe looks like something that both my husband and son would love. You come up with some incredible recipes. I can't wait to see what you do for the holidays.

carole johnston said...

O'h BArbara I just loved your post, the food looks yummy but the verse bought tears to my eyes,he is a very lucky man as I am sure you are a lucky and blessed lady.Thank you. CArole xx

Amy said...

My husband is a HUGE biscuit and gravy fan. I will have to try this one on him soon. Thanks for posting the recipe.

Oh and Happy Birthday to your hubby!


KKJD1 said...

Sounds delish! Happy Birthday to your hubby! Blessings,Karen

Sandra said...

I usually cook mine on 400 for about 20 minutes. It cuts down on how hot the kitchen gets.

Phyllis Blickensderfer said...

Sadly, we've found that breads kick my Beloved Husband's blood sugar higher than anything else. I'll have to wait for company to come to fix these tastey jewels. Or experiment a bit with different flour. We have an appointment with his endocrinologist Monday and ask for suggestions. Good recipe!

Happy birthday, too. BH and I are that same age!!

Sherry @ Lamp Unto My Feet said...

Oh, yum! Those sound delish!

Happy birthday to your husband!

Anonymous said...

Birthday blessings to your husband. Thank you so much for this wonderful recipe and I wish you a nice weekend.

Karen said...

Sounds sweet of you to prepare it for his birthday breakfast....

Anonymous said...

Wow, that definitely looks interesting!! Happy belated birthday, Chuck! Hope you both are doing well.

Sandra Henderson said...

Happy birthday to your husband and a VERY HAPPY ANNIVERSARY to you both! When is your birthday Mrs. Barbara? Can you email me with it please?!?! I remember when your friend made these for you... Thank you for sharing the recipe! I'm making them VERY soon! Will you ask her if I can further share the recipe on my blog? Sometimes when I make things, I take photos of the process and put up the recipe. I haven't in a while and this might be a good one. Love ya! XO