Sunday, September 26, 2010

Home, But not up and running

Hello my dear friends, just continue to pray for me, this has been much harder on me than anticipated, they had to take more of my bone off than thought, But I am home getting better daily, it is still such a struggle to get around, this is the first time I have been able to get in here to computer, usually front room is as far as I can get, this is about 70 foot from my room, quite a chore, so funny how going to the bath is such a chore now, have to use my walker with Chuck holding onto my bet, I have a strap around my waist I keep on for easy mobility that I do not fall,you. Just keep praying, I will not be here much, I am only suppose to sit in this position for 30 minutes, so limited time indeed. Love y'all and do keep praying, I am here and praying for you, just cannot get to computer like I did, but then I cannot do anything like I did, Oh I take that back, I can pray like I did even more, hugs to All
♥Mother Hen Barbara, Praying for you daily♥


Anonymous said...

I'm glad to hear you are home. Take care of yourself!

Farming On Faith said...

Welcome Home~ Sweet Lady!

I AM PRAYING FOR YOU! You will be up and running be for long.
You still have such a sweet~sweet spirit. You encourage us all.
Love & Hugs~

Peggy said...

welcome home and lots of prayers going up and good thoughts going your way.

Sandi@ Rose Chintz Cottage said...

Bless your heart, Barbara! I will indeed pray for you. I have had a rough year myself, although not as serious as your problems. Take care.


Aliene said...

I am so glad to hear from you. Have been praying every day for you. Will you need to take therapy?
Don't overdo. Wish I was close so I could run over and help you. Post when you can. will be anxious to hear. Love you, sis. Take care.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

good to hear from you and that you have that strap to steady you. i volunteer in a nursing home so i know what you are going through from watching the rehab residents. glad you could stay at home with help.

Phyllis Blickensderfer said...

So good to hear that things went well. I know from the bone they removed from my hip that it is painful -- actually, that pain lasted longer than the rest of the operation where they fused two vertebrae. Healing takes time. Follow instructions and rest as prescribed. It really does help. We'll stick around and read what you offer us. And, we'll remain in prayer for your recovery.

Theresa said...

We'll keep on praying! I know that you will do just fine and be back up and at 'em soon!

Hugs and prayers!

taylormom2six said...

Have been and will continue to keep holding you (and your dh) up in prayer! <3

Anonymous said...

Hang in there! Sending good thoughts your way :-)

Ms. Bake-it said...

So good to hear that things went well and that you are home. I will continue to keep you in my prayers.

~ Tracy

Kathy in KY said...

Dear Barbara - please take heed to your instructions, and try not to overdo - rest, rest, rest! Many prayers being sent Heavenward now for your healing. May God, the Great Healer, be with you today and always. Luv U - from central KY.

odiie said...

Thank you for the update. Praying for quick healing. So glad you're home and on the mend.

Theresa said...

I was thinking of you and wondering when you would be able to post. So glad you did. Praying for a speedy recovery.
Hugs to you.

Rocky Mountain Homemaker said...

Barbara, I'm so glad you got through the surgery without complications and that you are in your home gaining strength and mobility. Praise God for a surgery that can replace a damaged joint! My prayers are with you for a timely and complete recovery.........Denise

Beth Herring said...

praying for you my sweet friend!

The Red Brick Farmhouse said...


Glad to hear you are home. Take it easy and don't overdo it. I'm sorry we don't live closer, I would be there to help out!


Anonymous said...

Praying for a quick recovery! Blessings!

Anonymous said...

Hi Barbara,
Welcome home. Praying you are soon up and about. Have a blessed week.

A Gardner's Cottage said...

Glad your home! and recovery bound. Sending you hugs and prayers!


Joyful said...

I'm glad to hear you are home. It always seems to be better to be home :) I know you had surgery though I don't know what kind. I pray you will be mended soonest.

Dee said...

Just the fact that you are at the computer posting anything is good news after what you have and are going through.We bloggers are tough. May God heal you quickly. Prayerfully Dee

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Barbara, I've been wondering about you... We were gone for several days ---so I'm just now catching up on my blog comments.

Sorry it was rough--but knowing you, you will weather the storm --and you'll be fine. Hang in there and be PATIENT (something that i'm not very good at)... ha

Hugs and Prayers,

Terri said...

Praying for you Barbara and hope you are recuperating well.

Anonymous said...

Praying for you Barbara. Asking God to swiftly and completely heal you and grant you fresh, new strength.

Kateri said...

Praying for you. Hope you feel a little better each day. It almost sounds like you should have some a visiting physical therapist to help you regain your some of your strength!

Deborah said...

Hi Barbara, I'm sorry I haven't made it by here in a while. I pray you have a quick recovery and can get up and around soon. I'll be watching for an update.

Deborah said...

Hi Barbara, Me again. I know you can't get to the computer much, so I don't expect you to get to this right away....I've tagged you for a meme called 8 questions. Maybe it will help you pass the time while you are recovering.