Thursday, September 16, 2010

Thankful Thursday

We it is a lovely day, I spent it deep cleaning, and doing laundry, yesterday I went to my class, they explained all things that will happen, I am very informed now, and feel a true peace over me, I am
assured that God's hand will be upon the surgeon's and on me, I appreciate all the prayers, and I
more than likely will not post any more before I have the surgery, so all my praying friends keep me in prayer on Monday, all I know it will be early, and I will be getting up before the day is over, now that is great, I
think, lol, my old bones would set up if I stayed in bed too long so I really was glad to hear that they will
be getting me up and about the day of the surgery. Then each day I will walk and do therapy until my goals they set for me are accomplished, then I can come home, that is the goal I want to make.

Tomorrow I will strip my bed sheets, and put all new one on my bed, then will finish doing the laundry and trying to get some meals made up for my precious husband. He is my coach and will be with me through most all things I will do, thank God for a strong and loving husband, God indeed has blessed my life.
I do want to make that good Sausage Roll for him, and freeze it, that will keep him eating for a while in the mornings. Saturday we have our ladies meeting at church, I will be giving the devotion and ask your prayer
for this also, it has been a while since I spoke in front of a women's meeting. Pray God will be glorified in all I say, and that he will lead me in my thoughts and my speech. Then of course Sunday, our day of worship, and I will not do much else that day, will kinda rest up for the big journey on Monday. So those are my plans
and my thoughts, and I do pray that each of reading will walk a little closer to the lord the next few days, and pray more, and give him a little bit more time of your life. I am indeed thankful for the blessings God gives me
daily, and I do not hesitate to say, I know that he will be with me on Monday, and his hand upon me, and his voice whispering his word in my ear, he promised me, he sail, Lo I will be with thee always, and that is in
the operating room too, amen..Have a blessed day, weekend, and I will get back to say hi to y'all as soon as I can. here is just a little goodie cause I love ya, enjoy, and God bless you real good.

Pumpkin Dump Cake

1 large can pumpkin
1 can evaporated milk
1 cup sugar
1 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon ginger
3 eggs, beaten
1 box yellow or white cake mix (not Jiffy size)
1 1/2 cubes melted butter

Grease bottom of 9 X 13 inch cake pan. Combine first 6 ingredients.

Pour into pan. Sprinkle cake mix over top evenly. Drizzle melted butter over all. Bake at 350F for 50 minutes. Test as for pumpkin pie for doneness.
♥Mother Hen Barbara, Praying for you daily♥


Theresa said...

Well, I just may have to make that cake! Praying the surgery goes smoothly and a quick recovery. I know those ladies will be blessed when you speak on Saturday. You have such an encouraging spirit.

BECKY said...

Hi Sweet Barb! So nice to be able to visit! I will certainly pray for your surgery gal. It will be over before you know it and God will have you on the road to recovery! May He fill your heart with His peace, and wisdom for your talk on Saturday. I know the women will be very blessed by listening to you!

Keep us posted, ok? So thankful that you have a wonderful hubby to help you with everything! Mine sure has been wonderful through my health stuff!

Love and hugs to you!

The Red Brick Farmhouse said...

Did you say PUMPKIN? Where are you getting yours? There is NONE to be had anywhere around here!

Praying all will go well with your surgery and that it will go smoothly. You are blessed to have such a wonderful husband that is helping you with things.

Blessings to you, my friend~

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Barbara, My love and prayers will be with you ALL the way!!!! Glad you feel confident about it --and it sounds like they will treat you like a queen....

Thanks for the Pumpkin Dump Cake. Sounds wonderful...

Hugs and PRAYERS,

Farming On Faith said...

I will be praying for sure~all day Monday. I will be anxiously awaiting for you to be back to blogging and life.
You are a blessing to us all!

odiie said...

I love that cake! Thanks for the reminder, I'll have to make some now.
Prayers for you as you go through this. God is so good, so glad for the peace He has given you.

Karen said...

Praying for your devotion time and for your are in good Hands...

Mari Nuñez said...

Barbara, WOW!! What a great recipe, I have been wanting to do a pumpkin recipe for a while, this one looks delicious. The ice cream on top makes it look even more yummy.

Will be you in prayers and I am sure everything would be fine.

god Bless :)

Terri said...

Praying that your surgery goes well, Barbara. You have a great attitude!

Rebecca said...

Praying that your surgery goes smoothly. Thanks for posting a yummy pumpkin recipe. Makes me think of how close we are to fall.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I pray God's blessing on you and your surgenon and on your husband. we will be waiting when you are once again back online.

Beth Herring said...

barbara - i will be lifting you up in prayer and i will post a request on my prayer blog.

your recipes always make me so hungry!!

Kar said...

Thanks for stopping by and visiting my little world Barb. I must say Congrats on 50 years of marriage. It is so nice to see that their are couple who stick with each other no matter what. Awesome!

Best wishes and prayers for your surgery. Things will be just fine.

Thanks for sharing the recipe. It really sounds yummy. I will have to give it a try.


Nellie's Cozy Place said...

Hi Barbara,
So nice to meet you, and thanks so much for coming over and befriending me. So sorry to hear you are having surgery on Monday, but will sure pray
the Lord directs the surgeons hands,
and keeps you in sweet peace, along with your hubby.
Congratulations on your Anniversary.
50 Years, that is quite an accomplishment, good for you!!
and what a great testimony of God's goodness in your lives. I love to see couples who are married a long time, and they are enjoying not eduring their relationship. That is a blessing to all who know you.
We will be married 40 yrs. in Nov.,
and we have a great marriage, and all praise goes to Jesus for that!!
We do marriage classes and also do some counseling, lately we have been getting a lot of young married couples, so we have sort of been mentoring too, and we are loving it.
Well, look forward to reading your blog when you get well, will sure pray for a speedy recovery.
Blessings to you and yours,

Laurie said...

I pray thst the Lord will cover you with His feathers (Psalm 91:4)and keep you safe when you have surgery, Barbara, and that recovery will go well.

Blessings and love,

Ms. Bake-it said...

Hello Barbara,

Pleased to meet you! Thank you for stopping by and leaving a sweet comment.

I saw the note on your sidebar that you and your husband have been married 50 years! Congratulations on your anniversary! That is such an awesome accomplishment!

You sound like you have a great attitude toward your pending surgery. I will be praying for you, your husband and the doctors and nurses. It sounds like you are blessed and have a wonderful husband who is helping you through all of this. I will also pray that God uses you to deliver a message that speaks to each of the women at your ladies meeting.

Thank you for the Pumpkin Dump Cake recipe!


Phyllis Blickensderfer said...

That's a recipe I'll try for our domino group. And, I'll be keeping you lifted in prayer Monday, knowing He has provided the strength and comfort necessary for that day. Will continue to pray for healing when you're through. God bless and keep you.

Anonymous said...

Hi Barbara,
I pray all goes well during surgery. I always enjoy visiting you.

Mrs. B, a very peculiar person said...

Recently I've been thinking I'd like a recipe like this!!! Thank you for sharing ...


Aliene said...

Barbara, Praying for you that all will go well. You have so many praying for you and the Lord will be with you to guide the doctors hands.
Love and hugs.

Anonymous said...

Hi Barbara,
Thank you so much for your visit and sweet note. Dave's RA is caused by his Ulcerative Colistis. Which is also an inflamatory illness. He has had half of his colon remove but the illness is now in the other half. So the treatment he is on is for both illnesses. Right now is on Remicade Infusions every 6 weeks and a very strict diet. They are either going to go giving him the infusions every 4 weeks or switch him over shots every 2 weeks. It is a balancing act with having 2 illnesses. He takes a box full of other things too. I will add you to our prayer book at church. I am so pleased to call you my new friend.
Youe Sister in Christ,

Farmgirl Cyn said...

Dearest friend,
I had a total knee replacement done Jan. 8 of this year, so I know the pain you are going thru!!! Do not be afraid of taking the pain will need them! I had a few setbacks from the git go, but I can honestly say that I am thankful I had the surgery. (It took me a good while before i could say that!)
I should have the other one done, but it will be a while before I take that next step!
I will most definitely be praying for you! Thank God you have an awesome husband to help take care of you. I do not know what I would have done without mine. What a blessing to have him here. n sickness and in health really took on a new meaning for us!!!

Blessings and peace to you, dear Barbara,
