Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Today The Simple Woman's Daybook

Outside my window... I see it is foggy and drizzling.

I am thinking... That this is going to be a very quiet and peaceful day.

I am thankful for...For the nice comfortable home I have.

From the kitchen... The smell of coffee is making me feel very warm and cozy.

I am wearing... My jammies and robe and slippers
I am creating... gifts for valentines day

I am going...to check for eggs in bit, when I finish here

I am reading...Phillip Kellers, The 23rd Psalm, it is a wonderful book, I recommend reading it if you get the chance. 

I am hoping... That my dear husband has a very good day with the ministry work.

I am hearing... Nothing but the hum of my computer.

Around the house... I will get lots of cleaning done today, being alone here gives me much ambition.

One of my favorite things... Is to hear good preaching.

A few plans for the rest of the week....Tomorrow will be an early dinner, and church for prayer meeting. Thursday will be another running day, and Friday back to Jacksonville, FL. 

Here is picture for thought I am sharing...

Thought for the Day...A Better and an Enduring Substance

"For ye have need of patience, that, after ye have done the will of God, ye might receive the promise."
(Hebrews 10:36)
As Christians, we have certain heavenly possessions, and this knowledge helps us put our earthly possessions and welfare in proper perspective.

True Contentment...Comes from knowing Jesus Christ as personal saviour, he will give you the only true contentment in your life, the world cannot give contentment, only some one without sin or baggage can give us contentment. Like the book of Philippians says, in 4:11  "Not that I speak in respect of want: for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content." 

I hope you enjoyed what I have shared here today, I have followed Simple Woman's Daybook from Jan Dante


Farming On Faith said...

You have a blessed day cleaning my sweet friend. I prayed that all you touch today will prosper.
Thinking of you~

PS~ I got 7 eggs yesterday. Woo hoo.

Barbara said...

Yeahhhhhhhh Carrie, yes we are getting 3 0r 4 daily, we only have 4 hens though.

Beth Herring said...

Barbara - this is just a wonderful post! I love the way you wrote it and I pray that you have an amazing day!

Theresa said...

Loved reading your daybook today. Do you mean you are going to collect eggs? That is neat.

Barbara said...

We have live chickens, and I go out daily and gather (collect) the eggs, sorry if I confused any one.

Anonymous said...

I've been cleaning house today too. I have lots of energy for a change. I wonder how long it will last!

Dee said...

I always get in the mood to clean when i am alone...for some odd reason i can get more done.:)I always enjoy reading everyone's day books. I need to get busy with my valentine's ...it will be here before i know it and the grands will be expecting something. :)

Sharon said...

I loved reading your day book.
I also love reading the versus that you put into your post.
I seem to get more done when I am alone too.
Have a blessed day

MadSnapper n Beau said...

we always saved green stamps and when mother had a lot of books, we went to the green stamp store and spent a lot of time trying to decide what to spend them on. i like your peaceful day

Camille said...

Oh isn't it wonderful to have a quiet house in which to get all that cleaning done?? And I *love* Psalm 23...what a precious Psalm to comfort the soul. It's drizzling here today too. AND...you are making Valentine's gifts?? How sweet! :)

Many blessings,

Jan said...

You paint a beautiful picture, sounds so cosy, but the kind of day that gets away on you. I'm so pleased you are joining in with the Daybook.

By the way... I have to explain my ID. We have a RV which we named Andante which is a musical term for 'moderate pace'.. and as my name is Jan, I chose Jandante for my online ID.

Keep up the good work online, Barbara,

With love and blessings,

Toyin O. said...

Cleaning can be good for the soul:) Enjoy your cleaning day! And yes, true contentment comes from knowing Christ.