Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Well I am on my lap top, and my pictures are limited here, the Scripture here is really a good one, when you have time check it out.

Well I seen my doctor yesterday, seems I have Bronchitis, and strep throat, I knew my throat was sore, but, thought it was from coughing. she prescribed me some strong antibiotics, 875 mg. then cough syrup, they give me this huge bottle, guess she figured I was going to need it. I just ask you to pray with me, that I will get over this very soon, it has been over two weeks now, enough is enough. Yesterday was the first time I had been out since I got ill, we had dinner at a local restaurant even, I enjoyed that very much.

Have a great evening at prayer meeting, I will be praying for all of you, be a blessing to some one.

In His Love, Barbara


Sharon said...

Hope that you are feeling better.
I still have a cough after all that meds. I think I need some warm

Rocky Mountain Homemaker said...

Bless your heart. You've really had the health issues.
As an asthmatic, one of the best comforts I know of during a bout of bronchitis is a warm rice bag on my chest. It actually relaxes the tight bronchial muscles.
Glad you're on the mend!...........Denise

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Glad you got yourself to the doctor, Barbara... AND--I'm glad you are feeling better. I'm sure you enjoyed that dinner out...

Take Care..

Theresa said...

I am praying for you dear friend! Hope the meds help and prayer heals:) Chicken noodle soup always helps me feel better! Hugs!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

hope that super drug kicks in fast and you are back to normal soon. strep is nothing to fool around with and can be very painful.

SouthernSass said...

Thank you for visiting my blog and for your comment! I sure hope you are feeling better and I will keep you in my prayers. I'll be visiting you soon! :)

Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said...

Bless your heart Barbara, you've had a tough time haven't you. Know my prayers are with ya girl and get to feelin' better.

God bless ya and have a warm fuzzy kinda day my friend!!! :o)

Dee said...

You poor thing...I just read on another blog that smelling eucalyptus oil tames bronchitis coughing. Get well soon. Blessings. Dee

Phyllis Blickensderfer said...

Strep is nothing to fool with. Get plenty of rest (I know, it's so hard to do!) and lots of liquids. My Second Daughter has had it more often than she should. When she's in the same building with someone with strep, it finds her. Will pray for your health.

Barbara said...

The medications are starting to world slowly but surely. The coughing is slowed down, I do not feel as wore out, and my throat is not burning like it was, so praise God I think I am getting better, thank you so much for all your prayers. Hugs my friends.

Aliene said...

Seems you can't get over this. I hope the medicine helps. We have a doctor in our church and he said that sometimes the cough may last
4-6 weeks after you are over it. Seems it will eventually wear off.
But the strept throat is another thing. Glad you went to the doctor.
I'm sure the medicine will help. Stay warm and take care. Love you@

Anonymous said...


Oh dear! I am sorry to hear that you have been sick for awhile. 875mg? Yikes! If I took that much medicine, I would be quite sleepy. I hope you can tolerate it better. Get some rest, dear sister, and I pray that God will heal you soon so you can feel like sunshine again. :)

-Lady Rose